
Shame on me...

Yesterday my parents gave us a visit... Lunch was ok, as I was on PV... but in the afternoon we had some coffee and a chocolate cream cake... well my son (18 month) ate almost all of his piece and I just ate the tiny little rest. Quite ok? Or? I mean I did not eat any sugar, sweets etc. since I started the diet. One and a half week without sugar is a big record for me.


Rgd: Muffins

Well as I told you yesterday: the muffins tasted very good but they looked somehow like smashed UFOs. Nevertheless they quieted my longings for sth sweet.

By the way my package from France arrived yesterday... yummy! The flavours smell very good and I tested the strawberry one with a bowl of joghurt --- really good!
It was so good that I prepared a fat reduced milk shake: 1 glass of fat free/reduced milk, some fat free/reduced joghurt (as much as you like), some sweetener (if you like) and some drops dukan strawberryflavour...
Just like heaven!
I´m thinking about buying an ice cream machine... but the one I would like is 180,- Euros!!!
Well first I will dry some classic ice cream recipe that I have, and that I don´t need an ice cream machine for...


Vanilla Moist muffins

What to say...
They were quite... let's say interesting ;-)

Dukan bread

I prepared the Dukan bread just like this:

  • 8 tbspn oat bran
  • 8 tbspn wheat bran
  • 4 tbspn wheat germ
  • 10 tbspn skim milk powder
  • 1 tspn baking powder
  • 1 tspn salt
  • 2 pkts fast yeast (8g per packet)
  • 1 tbspn no fat plain yoghurt
  • 4 tbspn fromage frais or philidelphia extra light cheese
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 or 5 tbspn warm water
Use 2 bowls. In the first bowl mix the yeast, water and philidelphia cream cheese and mix them. Mix all the other ingredients together in a larger bowl.
Add the yeast mixture to the other ingredients and whisk well.
Pour mixture into a loaf tin (lined with baking paper) and cook in a hot oven (200 degrees celcius) for 10 minutes.  Reduce temperature to 180 degrees and cook for a further 20 minutes.
It tasted delicious and I will definitely prepare it again. As I could not get fast yeast here in the supermarket, I used normal dry yeast for baking and therefor I should have left the dough in a warm place for swellig before baking... but nevertheless it was great, just a bit flat. As I read in the internet you can also put a tiny little bit of sugar to the yeast mixture, so that the dough will turn out better (as I know this sugar is eaten by the yeast while growing and therefor it can be left out for Dukan carb counting)
Well so today in office I had a small pot of fat-reduced cottage cheese, 4 delicious small slices of Dukan bread with fat-reduced fresh cheese together with a bowl of a yellow pepper-tomatoe-salad (with vinegar-pepper-sauce and hopefully EHEC-free). I also drank a lot of water and herbal tea.
I can´t get fat-free products, there are only fat-reduced products (with 0,1% fat... so what?).
Today I´m going to prepare some Vanilla Moist Muffins.


My goal for this year

I decided to write down my goal for this year in my blog, so that I will always be reminded...
I would be glad to reach a weight of 59kg by september if possible. Therefor I follow the Dukan Diet. I already passed the so-called Attack phase and now I´m cruising around :)
It´s one week now and a loss of 1,3kg... so it seems to work.
Today I found a recipe how to cook/bake Dukan bread and I will try it this evening and let you know tomorrow...

Proud owner of my own blog

Hi everybody!
As I started a new job and as I´m trying to get rid of some pounds, I decided starting a blog would be a good idea to support these issues.
I would be glad if only few would follow up what I´m doing and I hope to give you some nice stories to laugh or cry or whatever...
The internet is a great space to express oneself and one can find lots of information in it.

Hope to make your lifes a bit brighter.